FCGS Clinical Case
Shortcake fight FCGS story
Name: Shortcake story from mutian FIP FB-group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Mutian.US.) June 20 Shortcake is headi...... -
Naya fight FCGS story
Name: Naya story from mutian FIP FB-group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Mutian.US.) I am posting for my foster cat Naya. She&rsq...... -
Chaes fight FCGS story
Name: Chaes story from mutian FIP FB-group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Mutian.US.) On May 1st Here is our boy Chase, he&rsq...... -
Clementine fight FCGS story
Name: Clementine story from mutian FIP FB-group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Mutian.US.) I started my girl Clementine on Mutora...... -
Henry fight FCGS story
Name: Henry story from mutian FIP FB-group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Mutian.US.) May 23rd UPDATE: Adding a litt...... -
Wrecker Fight FCGS
Name: Wrecker story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)... -
Chase fight FCGS story
I’m so happy Lars is doing so well. They are our babies. Our Chase had a month of antibiotics and an meds twice a day for the pain,ulcers and swelling right before starting Mutoral 1 and was as playful as he was as a kitten by the time that was done.... -
Jamison fight FCGS story
This in my foster Jamison. He has been recently diagnosed with stomatitis. I have fostered others with stomatitis and found things that work...... -
Princess fight FCGS story
This is my baby Princess. We have had two dentals done with 14 teeth removed. She is not healing. We have tried every single medication and ...... -
Teddy&Lars Fight FCGS
Name: Teddy&Lars story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)...
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