Chase fight FCGS story
Name: Lars
story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)
I’m so happy Lars is doing so well. They are our babies. Our Chase had a month of antibiotics and an meds twice a day for the pain,ulcers and swelling right before starting Mutoral 1 and was as playful as he was as a kitten by the time that was done. He’ll be 3 March 26 and we’ve had him since he was 9 weeks old and at that time he was diagnosed with stomatitis so he’s never really known what it’s like to be pain free. He has not purred very loud and we have rarely heard him meow until about day 7 on the Mutoral 1. I could have written your post. He is tired and doesn’t play as much right now but I think that’s so he’ll rest and heal. He’s more loving, and meows loudly which we think is cute except he really started this about two days ago at 4:30 in the morning. I thought something was wrong with him because he meowed until I got to him and then he just rolled over for a belly rub. He did it again this morning…he’s never really heard himself meow since his stomatitis was well under way at 9 weeks. I think he’s just excited he can do it or likes the sound of his I think this drug is a miracle for these babies and so happy I had a dear friend who steered me in this direction. I can’t wait to hear how well Lars does on stage two. Isn’t it great to see them happy?:) Ours actually carries on conversations with So happy for you all because I know it’s a blessing for you also.