Chaes fight FCGS story

Name: Chaes

story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)

On May 1st

Here is our boy Chase, he’s 3 and with just 2 1/2 boxes left of the mutoral 2 to go. we had a few bumps in the road but kept on pushing and he actually runs in the kitchen to watch me put his pill shots together because he knows he getting some of the a/d food after…lol. Here’s before and after. The one on the left…when you opened his mouth they said the ulcers were all under skin on the inside of his mouth not counting his gums and he had it in his throat and the back of his tongue. The one on the right is today.

June 20

Today is my boy’s last of his mutoral 2. His mouth looks great and he’s really been good about taking it but we’re glad we’re at the end at least for now. He gained a lot of weight not due to us feeding him anymore except a fork full of the A/D food after we gave him the pills as a treat but we had stopped giving him his other treats. Will he start to lose some of this weight since he’s no longer taking the medication? Is that why he gained weight? I had seen on here where others had gained weight but it was that their cat wasn’t eating and ours did he just didn’t chew it. He inhaled it. Thanks in advance…

On July 25th

I’ve been meaning to give an update for a while but life got crazy and I’m just getting back to it. Our boy Chase finished his mutoral treatment in June. He seems to still be getting better as far as his crunching of his food. He’s had Stomatitis bad since he was 8-9 weeks old and I guess he just learned to inhale his food. When he’s eating now; more and more he’s actually chewing it up. He’s learned how to meow and he’s working on purring now. He’s playing with his toys more and more. I wish we could get a good picture of his mouth but we hate to push it because he’s still a nervous cat at times but his mouth looks great! His gums are just a pretty pink. He was abused in some way as a kitten so we don’t push anything if he won’t do it. On the good side his doctor had not heard about the mutoral and wanted more information about it. His mouth had changed that much and I’m so thankful.

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