Henry fight FCGS story

Name: Henry

story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)


May 23rd

UPDATE: Adding a little pumpkin, 1-2 tsp/day, has helped keep things moving for Henry!

Hi everyone! My foster cat Henry has been on Mutoral I for a few weeks and will begin II in a couple days. I’m cautiously optimistic-the change in him has been incredible and I hope his progress will be permanent.


July 31

My foster cat, Henry, has *2* days left on Mutoral II @admins , I assume my next step is to monitor him for a bit to see how he does, but what’s the next step? Anything else to know/do when the treatment is complete? Can’t believe we made it!