Toothless fight FCGS story

Name: Toothless

story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)

Update 4/9 adding two more photos  

Update 4/16 more photos!

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my foster Mr. Toothless who is our rescue's first candidate going through this treatment. He is an approximately 5 year old male who was found near death in the Texas heat with only 1 incisor in his gummy mouth. This was last summer. He had been released by our local shelter as a "barn cat" after they performed a FME.

He has been managed with depo shots every 1-2 months. Without them he was sticky mouthed, drooly, couldn't groom at all and though he loves food he wouldn't eat enough to maintain good weight on his frame.

His last depo shot was December 30th. Today is day 16 of treatment (he gets his pill at night). Though his mouth is still pretty ouchie to look at gone is the drool, his appetite is doing well, I caught him grooming yesterday and the reason we proceeded to phase II... He gained .75lb in 10 days. Unlike others who reported renewed voice, his voice is still a crispy whispy but that's just fine.

I can't speak to everyone else's experience but my foster Toothless is a month in and doing well.

