Tesla fight FCGS story
Name: Tesla
story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)
I've been in this group for a few months to see how this has worked for others, to wait until both drugs were available then to purchase and try it on one of my 4 stomatits kitties who was in a flairup.
He didn't respond as quickly to Mutoral 1 as did many of the others, but by day 10 there was improvement. I had already bought 3 packages of the 2 and decided to start him on it. I did also get the spray and have been using it according to the directions.
It's been 5 weeks, 2 weeks on 1 and 3 weeks on 2. His mouth has completely cleared up. He has not gotten any other drug or supplement since 48 hours before beginning Mutoral 1. He will finish the entire 12 week course.
I hope his mouth stays this great for the rest of his life.
Tesla, named after the person not the car, enjoying the sun...