Rupert fight FCGS story

Name: Rupert

story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)

Hi, dear friends. I found Rupert on the street 7 months ago. I feed many stray cats outside every day. Unscrupulous people leave sick cats where I put food. Because they know that I will treat them. Even though I have many cats at home, I couldn't ignore and adopted him.

He has FIV+ and stomatitis. I had his rotten teeth pulled out. He also had Fip. His FIP treatment was completed 4 months ago. I use Mutoral for his stomatitis. He is on day 65 of the Mutoral treatment. His stomatitis much better than before. I use Proboost, Omega3, hepatiel forte and quality food for FIV. Are there any other antivirals and supplements you would recommend for FIV?

Lots of love from Rupert