Lars fight FCGS story
Name: Lars
story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)
March 1
Hello everyone! This is Lars. I adopted Lars several years back at about the age of 2. Handsome boy but his breath could clear the room!
Within the first 5 days on Mutoral I, Lars regained his meow, louder than ever before. He's been eating so much better and so loving! I think it is because the pain level in his gums has been controlled and healing! I am super thrilled to be part of this group and I wish you all the same success that Lars has! One happy boy right here and I couldn't be more grateful! Thank you so much Nancy Schmidt-Moulen !!
June 2, 2024
My baby had an extreme start in the world. Rescued at 3 weeks living outside he was in extremely poor shape. He is the only one of the litter that survived. He's been followed very closely throughout his life by my trusted veterinarian. Surviving FIP in 2021 then receiving a diagnosis of Stomatitis. My vet has been monitoring this condition for years having me prepare for FME extraction when the time is right in the future. I had a check up for Teddy and I let her know I was going to try Mutoral, we were both very hopeful and excited. We have seen such beautiful success for my FIP survivors, I just knew Mutoral would not disappoint! We are 3 months post treatment now today and she is EXTREMELY impressed, and so am I! Stomatitis is no longer part of our vocabulary.
Teddy has gained 1.5 pounds since. Grooming habits are now right where they need to be and coat is silky smooth! Teddy is able to make audible noise when he meows now! There's no more pain! Drooling is a thing of the past as well. Teddy's quality of life has improved exponentially! I cannot thank you enough!
June 2, 2024
3 months Post Treatment for my dear Lars!! This is HUGE!! I'm almost crying here! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RELEASING SUCH A MIRACLE FOR THESE BABIES!!!!