Hoss fight FCGS story

Name: Hoss

story from mutian FCGS FB-group(Feline Stomatitis/ Gingivitis Support Group ( Powered by Mutian ©)

This is my foster cat, Hoss, who took his last dose of Mutoral 1 last evening.  Hoss is a former street cat that is, remarkably, FIV/FeLV negative.  He’s lived with me for not quite a year.  I have to admit, I was a skeptic, but Hoss’ co-foster,Anne Fauset, is a true believer and sponsored the entire cost of Hoss’ course of treatment.  She didn’t want Hoss to have to live the rest of his life with his vet’s recommendation of FME.   The first 2 photos are on the first day of treatment.  The black crust on his lips is dried blood that he would fight when trying to clean away, even with a warm compress (due to pain).   The last photo was after his 6th dose of Mutoral 1.Positive changes in Hoss’s appetite and behavior were already apparent.  I really never dreamed that 2 weeks could make such a difference.  But, I switched from skeptic to true believer after just 6 doses.  That’s when I knew Mutoral was already working.  Hoss had definitely turned a significant corner at that point.  I fully expect that the full 12-week treatment protocol will result in complete remission.  Thank you for taking the time to read about Hoss’ Mutoral journey!

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