Gypsy Boo's Story
You might know me as Gypsy Boo's momma, but it doesn't stop there! I am the proud 'closed' rescue of 14 beautiful kitty cats that will live out their life with me. I am in for the long haul here. My main kitties came to me from very extreme rescue situations, so learning what I have about FIP I was not shocked to see this monster again. I do need to add and reassure you that FIP is not contagious, ever. The feline coronavirus that mutates into FIP is.
Printz Teddy, was rescued from a feral mother and was very unfortunate. Took him in, cleaned him up, and showed him what love was. Celebrated Teddy's 2nd birthday joyfully here and soon after he became very quiet and aloof.
My 11 yr old daughter at the time said, "FIP". "No", I said, "can't be". I made an appointment for him to have a blood panel done, better to be safe than sorry.
The morning of his appointment, the swelling hit, fluid filled so greatly that he could hardly move! Lab work confirmed and we moved immediately on this! Teddy had no time to be sick at all, not like Gypsy Boo had gone through. Ted breezed easily right through his treatment for 84 days like a champ! Watching the fluid recess and his labs go back to perfect was a beautiful sight to me! Teddy is the most grateful little guy with a long and beautiful life ahead of him, thanks to our angels here! Over 2 years cured!